Long standing club member and former Club Membership Secretary, John Hepworth, sadly passed away in June 2023. He will be greatly missed by the club and we wanted to pay a tribute by displaying a selection of comments made by members following this news and also adding a gallery showing his work that he has made over the many years he has been a member of our club. Personal tributes can be added to this page by contacting web@weston-woodturning-circle.co.uk
Member Tributes
“John loved his Cricket his Horse racing and most importantly his love of Weston Woodturning Circle. I was lucky to have him as a friend and we spent many hours discussing not only Club matters but life in general in fact, I think we contributed greatly to the contents of the book called Grumpy Old Men.
He was one of the first members of the club, John Worran who was a founder member remarked that right from the start John as very enthusiastic and that enthusiasm never once diminished as he performed his various roles within the Club.
John was always thinking of ways to improve the Club and surprisingly enough not all his ideas were popular, but they were always made in the best interest of the club. The auction was John’s idea mainly to raise money for the club charity. He started the original newsletter and was the one who kept it going when we lost one or two editors. John held several positions on the Club committee over the years and latterly as membership secretary and kept us up to date with all the facts and figures.
He was also constantly finding new advertising opportunities to promote the club and would keep in touch with members who were not regular attendees ensuring we did not lose them. I remember receiving a call from John when I used to travel constantly for work to ask if I was OK and still wanted to be a member, yes, I replied thank you for asking but this call is costing us both a fortune I am in America !! Since he gave up serving on the committee a short time ago because for some reason he did not think he was doing a good enough job? Committee meetings have not been the same. Yes, probably shorter, and yes, not so lively but certainly there is now something missing.
Although contracting Polio as a child John never once let this get in the way of anything he put his mind too. Certainly, one look at the wonderful wooden models and wood turned items he produced you would never know he was anything but a fit and able person.
There were many kind words expressed from club members when I had to let everyone know that John had passed, but one sticks in my mind the fact that John will carry on in the great workshop in the sky just so long as St Peter did not ask him for an entry fee to The Pearly Gates because as a true Yorkshireman, he would not have paid I suspect.
Rest in peace John and we promise to keep the Club in the great place you left it in.”
John Smith“A great man and will be sorely missed, hope we can win the Ashes for him”
John Dilley“John was a larger than life Yorkshire man through and through who will be greatly missed by all. Many a committee meeting has been blessed by John’s forthright views and the club will be poorer for his passing.
Hopefully on his entrance via the pearly gates he will not quibble about any entry fee being from Yorkshire!!”
Kevin Edwards“Whilst never complaining about his many ailments I know how he suffered throughout his life and it is a testament to him just how strong he was. He loved horse racing and cricket and he would have been looking forward to the ashes so let’s hope England win for him. RIP t’ ba gum.”
Paul Middleton“John H has always been a part of our club since well before I became a member. His commitment to WWC has been inspirational. He will be sadly missed.”
Greg Keenan“Such sad news. We were only just getting used to John not being on the committee after so long. Hard to believe he has gone. RIP.”
Tim FrostItems made by John