Weston Woodturning Circle provides these external links for information only and is not responsible for the content of these sites nor provides an endorsement for the products listed.
We have provided the following types of link for you to look at:
- Associations
- Finishing Products
- Professional Demonstrators
- Software
- Tools and Equipment Suppliers
- Tuition
- Useful Information
- American Association of Woodturners
- Association of Polelathe Turners and Greenwood Workers
- Association of Woodturners of Great Britain (AWGB)
- International Association of Penturners
- Irish Woodturners Guild
- The Worshipful Company of Turners of London
- Woodworkers institute
Finishing Products
- Chestnut Products
- Classic Finishes
- CSM Abrasives
- Fiddes
- Liberon
- Mylands
- Wood Finishing Enterprises
- U Beaut Polishes
Professional Demonstrators
Tools and Equipment Suppliers
- Ashley Isles
- Axminster
- Beaufort Pen Refills
- Crown Hand Tools
- Hamlet Craft Tools
- Henry Taylor Tools Limited
- Kelton Industries Specialized Woodturning Tools
- Record Power Woodworking Machines and Accessories
- Robert Sorby
- Rutlands
- Teknatool
- Warco Woodturning Lathes & Equipment
- Westcountry Machinery 4 Wood
- Yandles
- AWGB Training Programmes
- Bryan Milham
- Paul Hannaby
- Projects on YouTube
- Terry Vaughan
- The Treen Workshop