The Club

Club members March 2022

The club was formed in 2002 with an initial total of of 23 members, membership to date is over 50 members made up of male, female and junior members.

We meet the third Thursday in each month commencing at 7.00pm at

Weston AFC
Winterstoke Road
BS24 9AA

Our aim is to promote the enjoyment of turning wood in a safe and friendly environment. We provide training to members at beginner stage, intermediate and advanced level with the aim of assisting members to improve their individual skills.

We are a friendly welcoming club encompassing members with minimal woodturning skills to members who are at an advanced level in this craft.

Our meeting programme includes three club meetings in the year devoted to visiting AWGB professional demonstrators. Other meetings include club members demonstrating woodturning techniques. 

Members are encouraged to bring along a piece of their work and inform other members on a show and tell basis.

Our club is affiliated to the AWGB (Association of Wood Turners of Great Britain). Every member of our club automatically becomes a member of the AWGB and receives all the benefits of being part of this national association.

Club lathes and tools may be hired out on a monthly basis with a fully returnable minimal cash deposit.

We also devote time and effort on behalf of various local charities. Our charity for 2024 is Children’s Hospice South West

A licensed bar is available at Weston AFC and we have an optional raffle at each meeting costing £1.00.

Anyone interested in this interesting craft can just turn up at one of our monthly meeting nights – the first two visits by non-members are completely free of cost.

Membership Fees for 2024

  • Members aged 18 or under: Free
  • Annual Fee (including AWGB Fee): £43
  • Monthly Meeting Fee: £4

Annual fees are due 1st of January each year anyone joining after January will pay on a pro-rata basis.

You can download an application form and other relevant, required forms below and bring them to your next meeting.

Application Form
Club Constitution
 Health and Safety
In Case of Emergency (ICE) Form