Kevin Edwards

This is me!

About Me

Joined Club: March 2019
Position in Club: Committee member and maintains website
Started Woodturning: August 2019

I work for a large construction company called Costain as a software engineer and am responsible for motorway signs (the types which tell you there is an accident and to slow down!). I have been in this field for over 24 years. Prior to that I worked in the space industry. I have always wanted to do woodturning ever since I did woodwork at school and used the lathes there to make a bowl. I also used metalwork lathes whilst on a 4-year apprenticeship and used them to turn some screwdriver handles for a set of screwdrivers I made – sadly they were not tempered correctly and now all broken!

I heard about the Club by looking on the website (which I am constantly trying to improve) and decided to come along to learn about the craft and to also meet new people in Weston having moved here in March 2018. I have had many training sessions on club nights with the resident trainer Les Cummings and also from Martin Gard in his workshop.

I bought my Axminster Craft lathe in the summer of 2019 with money given to me from my company for a 20-year long service award – thank you Costain! Since then I have made many pieces ranging from a table to snowmen, the latter which I sold to raise money for the RNLI in December 2019.

My Workshop

To be updated when I tidy it up!

My Work

Just click on the images below to enlarge.