There was an article in the March issue of the AWGB magazine “Revolutions” titled “A challenge from Wealden Woodturners” which was to make a wooden spinning top and try to beat their record of a spin lasting 3 minutes 35 seconds. Whilst the rule was to keep it simple and constrained to a simple top spun by one hand made only from timber, I discovered that John Hepworth has made more complex spinners in the past which you can see below:
These spinning tops were sold raising money for one of our previous charities.
So the committee thought it would be a good idea if members could make their own spinning tops and bring them along to the next club meeting (when we have one). We can have a competition for the best looking / decorated one and for the one which spins for the longest. The tops can then be sold to raise money for our current charity, the Weston Food Bank.
So get your lathes turning (for more than 3 minutes 35 seconds!) to make one or more spinning tops. You can first submit them on the virtual monthly table before bringing them along to the next meeting.
If you need some ideas here are some YouTube clips I found on how to make spinning tops. However, if you have your own ideas, why not share them with other members?
Thank you – Kevin Edwards